This section was kindly contributed by researcher and
author Tihomir Dimitrov. It is only a fraction
of his e-book, Fifty
Nobel Laureates Who Believe
in God,
presently published
on his site (
and which we hope will soon be published in print
in North America. We are very grateful to him for his
very inspiring and illuminating contribution. |
The book,
comprises religious quotations from the most influential scientists and
writers in the world.
In the course of my 11-year research I have studied hundreds of
books, articles and letters - primarily those found in the archives of the
National Library of Bulgaria (Sofia), Biblioteca Comunale di Milano and
the Austrian National Library (Vienna). I have also corresponded with many
contemporary Nobel Prize-winning scientists who have shared their personal
beliefs about God.
I believe that this book will inspire believers, will give hope
to seekers and that it will challenge those who think that religion and
contemporary science are in insurmountable conflict.
Tihomir Dimitrov,
Nobel Laureate in Physics:
“I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or
that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His
thoughts, the rest are details.” (Einstein, as cited in Clark 1973, 33).
“The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the
sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom
this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer stand rapt in awe, is as good
as dead. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior
Reasoning Power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible Universe, forms
my idea of God.” (Einstein, as cited in Libby Anfinsen 1995).
Ronald W. 1985. The Life of Ernst Chain: Penicillin and Beyond.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Libby. 1995. Memorial speech for Christian Anfinsen at Memorial Garden
Dedication, Weizmann Institute. November 16. (The Christian Anfinsen Papers.
Profiles in Science.) U.S. National Library of Medicine.
PS. A letter written by
Einstein to Gutkind was made public recently which appears to indicate that
Einstein became an atheist toward the end of his life. The author of this
web site contends that such conclusion is not necessarily justified.
Click here for rationale.
MAX PLANCK, Nobel Laureate in Physics
In his famous lecture Religion and Science (May 1937) Planck wrote:
“Both religion and science need for their activities the belief in God, and
moreover God stands for the former in the beginning, and for the latter at
the end of the whole thinking. For the former, God represents the basis, for
the latter - the crown of any reasoning concerning the world-view.” (Max
Planck, Religion und Naturwissenschaft, Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius
Barth Verlag, 1958, 27).
“Religion represents a bond of man to God. It consists in reverent awe
before a supernatural Might [Macht], to which human life is subordinated and
which has in its power our welfare and misery. To remain in permanent
contact with this Might and keep it all the time inclined to oneself, is the
unending effort and the highest goal of the believing man. Because only in
such a way can one feel himself safe before expected and unexpected dangers,
which threaten one in his life, and can take part in the highest happiness -
inner psychical peace - which can be attained only by means of strong bond
to God and unconditional trust to His omnipotence and willingness to help.”
(Max Planck 1958, 9).
Max. 1958. Religion und Naturwissenschaft. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius
Barth Verlag. XIV Auflage. (Trans. Adam Roman).
WERNER HEISENBERG, Nobel Laureate in Physics:
Heisenberg wrote: “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will
turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for
you.” [“Der erste Trunk aus dem Becher der Naturwissenschaft macht
atheistisch, aber auf dem Grund des Bechers wartet Gott.”] (Heisenberg, as
cited in Hildebrand 1988, 10).
In his autobiographical article in the journal Truth, Henry Margenau
(Professor Emeritus of Physics and Natural Philosophy at Yale University)
pointed out: “I have said nothing about the years between 1936 and 1950.
There were, however, a few experiences I cannot forget. One was my first
meeting with Heisenberg, who came to America soon after the end of the
Second World War. …Our conversation was intimate and he impressed me by his
deep religious conviction. He was a true Christian in every sense of that
word.” (Margenau 1985, Vol. 1).
Ulrich. 1988. “Das Universum - Hinweis auf Gott?”, in Ethos (die
Zeitschrift für die ganze Familie), No. 10, Oktober. Berneck, Schweiz:
Schwengeler Verlag AG. Reprinted by permission of the publisher, Schwengeler
Verlag AG.
Henry. 1985. “Why I Am a Christian”, in Truth (An International,
Inter-disciplinary Journal of Christian Thought), Vol. 1. Truth Inc., in
cooperation with the Institute for Research in Christianity and Contemporary
Thought, the International Christian Graduate University, Dallas Baptist
University and the International Institute for Mankind. USA.
in Physics:
In his famous book Nature and the Greeks (Cambridge University Press,
1954) Prof. Schrödinger writes:
“I am very
astonished that the scientific picture of the real world around me is very
deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experience in
a magnificently consistent order, but it is ghastly silent about all and
sundry that is really near to our heart, that really matters to us. It
cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and sweet, physical pain
and physical delight; it knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or bad,
God and eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these
domains, but the answers are very often so silly that we are not inclined to
take them seriously.” (Schrödinger 1954, 93).
Schrödinger maintains that the human technical inventions have caused a
deterioration in Nature: “The grave error in a technically directed cultural
drive is that it sees its highest goal in the possibility of achieving an
alteration of Nature. It hopes to set itself in the place of God, so that it
may force upon the divine will some petty conventions of its dust-born
mind.” (Schrödinger, as cited in Moore 1990, 349).
In the presentation of a scientific problem, the other player is the good
Lord. He has not only set the problem but also has devised the rules of the
game - but they are not completely known, half of them are left for you to
discover or to deduce. …The uncertainty is how many of the rules God himself
has permanently ordained, and how many apparently are caused by your own
mental inertia, while the solution generally becomes possible only through
freedom from its limitations. This is perhaps the most exciting thing in the
game.” (Schrödinger, as cited in Moore 1990, 348).
Schrödinger, Erwin. 1954. Nature and the Greeks. Cambridge University
Walter John. 1990. Schrödinger: Life and Thought. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
5. ROBERT MILLIKAN, Nobel Laureate in
In an interview, entitled “A Scientist’s God” (Collier’s; October 24,
1925) Millikan stated:
“It pains
me as much as it did Kelvin ‘to hear crudely atheistic views expressed by
men who have never known the deeper side of existence.’ Let me, then,
henceforth use the word God to describe that which is behind the mystery of
existence and that which gives meaning to it. I think you will not
misunderstand me, then, when I say that I have never known a thinking man
who did not believe in God.” (Millikan 1925).
“To me it
is unthinkable that a real atheist could be a scientist.” (Millikan, as
cited in Grounds 1945, 22).
Robert A. 1925. “A Scientist’s God,” in Collier’s, The National
Weekly. October 24. Collier’s Publishing Company.
Vernon C. 1945. The Reason for Our Hope. Chicago: Moody Press.
Laureate in Physics.
On May 24, 2002, Charles Townes wrote a letter to the compiler T. Dimitrov.
To the inquiry, “What do you think about the existence of God?” Prof. Townes
gave the following answer: “I strongly believe in the existence of God,
based on intuition, observations, logic, and also scientific knowledge.” (Townes
Charles H. 2002a. A letter to the compiler T. Dimitrov. May 24.
Reprinted by permission of Charles H. Townes.
Nobel Laureate in Physics:
Arthur Schawlow described the relationship between religion and science in
the following way:
is founded on faith. It seems to me that when confronted with the marvels of
life and the universe, one must ask why and not just how. The only possible
answers are religious. For me that means Protestant Christianity, to which I
was introduced as a child and which has withstood the tests of a lifetime."
“I find a need for God in the universe and in my own life.”
(Schawlow, as
cited in Margenau and Varghese, 1997, 107; and in Clausen 1995, 10).
Henry, and Roy A. Varghese, eds. 1997. Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists
Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life, and Homo
sapiens. 4th ed. Chicago and La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing
8. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Nobel Laureate in
In his lecture Ordinary Faith, Ordinary Science, delivered at the
conference “Science and the Spiritual Quest” (20 April 2002, Paris), Dr.
William Phillips said: “Many scientists are also people with quite
conventional religious faith. I, a physicist, am one example. I believe in
God as both creator and friend. That is, I believe that God is personal and
interacts with us.” (Phillips 2002a).
In his letter to the compiler T. Dimitrov (19 May 2002) William Phillips
replied to several questions. To the inquiry, “What do you think about the
existence of God?” Dr. Phillips gave the following answer:
“I believe
in God. In fact, I believe in a personal God who acts in and interacts with
the creation. I believe that the observations about the orderliness of the
physical universe, and the apparently exceptional fine-tuning of the
conditions of the universe for the development of life suggest that an
intelligent Creator is responsible. …I believe in God because of a personal
faith, a faith that is consistent with what I know about science.” (Phillips
William D. 2002a. Ordinary Faith, Ordinary Science. А public lecture
at the conference “Science and the Spiritual Quest II” (April 20; IUP).
UNESCO, Salle 1, Paris. Reprinted by permission of William D. Phillips.
William D. 2002b. A letter to the compiler T. Dimitrov. May 19. Reprinted by
permission of William D. Phillips.
Nobel Laureate in Physics:
Prof. Bragg wrote: “Christ’s rule and example showed God as our Father and
us as His children, a society in which love governs all. Then if we seek a
rule of conduct we should think of what we should like children to be like
and what we should wish them to do. We like them to be hardworking, eager,
cheerful, sympathetic. We like them to enjoy themselves thoroughly. We must
be sad and in pain sometimes, but let us be happy as much and whenever we
can, and whilst we are well and happy let us help all who are not. The more
we strive to enjoy ourselves the more happiness we shall be able to
communicate to others. For we trust that this life is a preparation: not a
final probation.” (Bragg, as cited in Caroe 1979, 164).
“What should be the principles of a nation? …Christ stated them in the form
of two Commandments: ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart’,
and ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.’ ” (Bragg, as cited in Caroe
1979, 111).
Gwendolen M. 1979. William Henry Bragg (1862 - 1942): Man and Scientist.
Cambridge University Press.
Gwendolen M. 1979. William Henry Bragg (1862 - 1942): Man and Scientist.
Cambridge University Press.
Nobel Laureate in Physics:
"Guglielmo Marconi wrote: “The more I work with
the powers of Nature, the more I feel God’s benevolence to man; the closer I
am to the great truth that everything is dependent on the Eternal Creator
and Sustainer [Creatore e Reggitore Eterno]; the more I feel that the
so-called ‘science’ I am occupied with is nothing but an expression of the
Supreme Will, which aims at bringing people closer to each other in order to
help them better understand and improve themselves.” (Marconi, as cited in
Maria Cristina Marconi 1995, 244).
In his letter to his wife Maria Cristina (Savoy Hotel, London, 17 March
1927) Marconi wrote:
“I know how
much you love and cherish the beautiful Nature - the expression of God’s
Will - where one can find the ideal eternal values: the Truth, the Beauty
and the Good (and you possess the three of them). The harmonious unity of
causes and laws forms the Truth; the harmonious unity of lines, colors,
sounds, and ideas forms the Beauty; while the harmony of emotions and the
will forms the Good, which in being the ultimate expression of the Eternal
and Supreme Creator brings man to completion and drives us to seek absolute
perfection.” (Marconi, as cited in Maria Cristina Marconi 1995, 260).
Marconi, Maria Cristina. 1995. Mio Marito Guglielmo. R.C.S. Libri e
Grandi Opere S.p.A. Milano: Rizzoli.
(Trans. Raina Castoldi.
Nobel Laureate in Physics:
In his article “Science and the Supernatural” (1946) Compton said:
earliest childhood I have learned to see in Jesus the supreme example of one
who loves his neighbors and expresses that love in actions that count, who
knows that people can find their souls by losing themselves in something of
great value, who will die rather than deny the truth in favor of the popular
view held by his most respected contemporaries. That Jesus’ spirit lives so
vitally in men today makes me hope that by following in his footsteps in my
small way I also may live forever.” (Compton, as cited in Johnston 1967,
Commenting on the first verse of the Bible in Chicago Daily News (12
April 1936), Arthur Compton stated his religious views: “For myself, faith
begins with the realization that a supreme intelligence brought the universe
into being and created man. It is not difficult for me to have this faith,
for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelligence.
An orderly, unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic
statement ever uttered - ‘In the beginning God.’ [Genesis 1, 1].” (Compton
Marjorie, ed. 1967. The Cosmos of Arthur Holly Compton. Introduction
by Vannevar Bush. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Arthur H. 1936. Quoted in Chicago Daily News (Magazine Section, Issue
of April 12). Chicago, USA.
Laureate in Physics.
In connection with the “Big Bang” theory and the issue of the origin of our
highly ordered universe, Dr. Penzias stated to the New York Times on
March 12, 1978:
“The best
data we have are exactly what I would have predicted, had I had nothing to
go on but the five books of Moses, the Psalms, the Bible as a whole.” (Penzias,
as cited in Bergman 1994, 183; see also Brian 1995, 163).
Penzias’ research into astrophysics has caused him to see “evidence of a
plan of divine creation” (Penzias, as cited in Bergman 1994, 183).
Jerry. 1994. “Arno A. Penzias: Astrophysicist, Nobel Laureate,” in
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 46.3: 183-187, (9/1994).
The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation.
Laureate in Medicine and Physiology:
In Reflections on Life, Prof. Carrel expressed his attitude towards
Christianity thus:
“We are
loved by an immaterial and all-powerful Being. This Being is accessible to
our prayers. We must love Him above all creatures. And we ourselves must
also love one another.
“Christianity offers men the very highest of moralities. …It presents to
them a God who can be adored because He is within our reach and Whom we
ought to love.” (Carrel 1952, Chap. 9, Part 4). “I want to be like smoke in
the wind at God’s disposal.” (Carrel, as cited in Newton 1989).
Alexis. 1952. Reflections on Life. London: Hamish Hamilton.
James D. 1989. Uncommon Friends: Life with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford,
Harvey Firestone, Alexis Carrel, and Charles Lindbergh. Harvest Books.
Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology:
In his
article “Modern Biology and the Turn to Belief in God” that he wrote for the
book, The Intellectuals Speak Out About God: A Handbook for the Christian
Student in a Secular Society (1984), John Eccles came to the following
“We come to
exist through a divine act. That divine guidance is a theme throughout our
life; at our death the brain goes, but that divine guidance and love
continues. Each of us is a unique, conscious being, a divine creation. It is
the religious view. It is the only view consistent with all the evidence.”
(Eccles 1984a, 50).
In an interview published in the scientific anthology, The Voice of
Genius (1995), Prof. Eccles stated: “There is a Divine Providence over
and above the materialistic happenings of biological evolution.” (Eccles, as
cited in Brian 1995, 371).
John C. 1984a. “Modern Biology and the Turn to Belief in God,” in The
Intellectuals Speak Out about God: A Handbook for the Christian Student in a
Secular Society, ed. Roy A. Varghese. (Preface by the former United
States President Ronald Reagan). Chicago, IL: Regnery Gateway.
Denis, ed. 1995. The Voice of Genius. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Perseus Publishing.
Laureate in Medicine and Physiology:
In an interview for the National Catholic Register (December 1-7,
1996), Prof. Joseph Murray asserts that there is no conflict between
religion and science:
“Is the
Church inimical to science? Growing up as a Catholic and a scientist - I
don’t see it.
One truth
is revealed truth, the other is scientific truth. If you really believe that
creation is good, there can be no harm in studying science. The more we
learn about creation - the way it emerged - it just adds to the glory of
God. Personally, I’ve never seen a conflict.” (Murray, as cited in Meyer
“We’re just working with the tools God gave us. ...There’s no reason that
science and religion have to operate in an adversarial relationship. Both
come from the same source, the only source of truth - the Creator.” (Murray,
as cited in Meyer 1996).
Gabriel. 1996. “Pontifical Science Academy Banks on Stellar Cast.”
National Catholic Register (a weekly Catholic newspaper, founded in
1927). December 1-7. Circle Media, Inc., North Haven, CT.
SIR ERNST CHAIN, Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology:
Concerning the Darwinian theory of evolution
Ernst Chain (who is a theistic evolutionist) states:
“I would
rather believe in fairies than in such wild speculation. …I have said for
years that speculations about the origin of life lead to no useful purpose
as even the simplest living system is far too complex to be understood in
terms of the extremely primitive chemistry scientists have used in their
attempts to explain the unexplainable that happened billions of years ago.
God cannot be explained away by such naïve thoughts.” (Chain, as cited in
Ronald W. Clark, The Life of Ernst Chain: Penicillin and Beyond,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1985, pp. 147-148).
In his public
lecture “Social Responsibility and the Scientist in Modern Western Society”
(University of London, February 1970) Sir
Ernst Chain declared:
“As far as
my own actions are concerned, I am trying to be guided by the laws, ethics
and traditions of Judaism as formulated in the Old Testament, which are, of
course, also the basis of Christianity. I am convinced, and have been for
many years, that it is impossible to construct a sort of absolute and
generally applicable code of ethical behaviour on the basis of scientific
knowledge alone, if only for the reason that our knowledge about the basic
problems of life is far too fragmentary and limited, and will always remain
Ronald W. 1985. The Life of Ernst Chain: Penicillin and Beyond.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Chain, E.
“Social Responsibility and the Scientist in Modern Western Society,”
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Spring 1971, Vol. 14, No. 3, p.
17. GEORGE WALD, Nobel Laureate in
Medicine and Physiology:
In 1954 Prof. George Wald (who was still an atheist at that time) wrote in
Scientific American:
“The reasonable view was to believe in spontaneous generation; the only
alternative, to believe in a single, primary act of supernatural creation.
There is no third position. …Most modern biologists, having reviewed with
satisfaction the downfall of the spontaneous generation hypothesis, yet
unwilling to accept the alternative belief in special creation, are left
with nothing.” (Wald 1954, “The Origin of Life,” Scientific American,
191 [2]: 45-46).
George Wald underwent an astonishing
change of mind during the early 1980s, and he came very close to religious
In 1984
Prof. Wald wrote: “In my life as scientist I have come upon two major
problems which, though rooted in science, though they would occur in this
form only to a scientist, project beyond science, and are I think ultimately
insoluble as science. That is hardly to be wondered at, since one involves
consciousness and the other, cosmology.
The consciousness problem was hardly avoidable by one who has spent most of
his life studying mechanisms of vision. We have learned a lot, we hope to
learn much more; but none of it touches or even points, however tentatively,
in the direction of what it means to see. Our observations in human eyes and
nervous systems and in those of frogs are basically much alike. I know that
I see; but does a frog see? It reacts to light; so do cameras, garage doors,
any number of photoelectric devices. But does it see? Is it aware that it is
reacting? There is nothing I can do as a scientist to answer that question,
no way that I can identify either the presence or absence of consciousness.
I believe consciousness to be a permanent condition that involves all
sensation and perception. Consciousness seems to me to be wholly impervious
to science.
The second problem involves the special properties of our universe. Life
seems increasingly to be part of the order of nature. We have good reason to
believe that we find ourselves in a universe permeated with life, in which
life arises inevitably, given enough time, wherever the conditions exist
that make it possible. Yet were any one of a number of the physical
properties of our universe otherwise - some of them basic, others seemingly
trivial, almost accidental - that life, which seems now to be so prevalent,
would become impossible, here or anywhere. It takes no great imagination to
conceive of other possible universes, each stable and workable in itself,
yet lifeless. How is it that, with so many other apparent options, we are in
a universe that possesses just that peculiar nexus of properties that breeds
It has
occurred to me lately - I must confess with some shock at first to my
scientific sensibilities - that both questions might be brought into some
degree of congruence. This is with the assumption that Mind, rather than
emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as
the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality - that the
stuff of which physical reality is composed is mind-stuff. It is
Mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life, and
so eventually evolves creatures that know and create.”
George. 1954. “The Origin of Life,” Scientific American, 191 [2]:
44-53, August.
George Wald,
1984, “Life and Mind in the Universe”, International Journal of Quantum
Chemistry: Quantum Biology Symposium 11, 1984: 1-15.
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry:
Prof. Barton wrote: “God is Truth. There is no incompatibility between
science and religion. Both are seeking the same truth. Science shows that
God exists.” (Barton, as cited in Margenau and Varghese 1997, 144).
“The observations and experiments of science are so wonderful that the truth
that they establish can surely be accepted as another manifestation of God.
God shows himself by allowing man to establish truth.” (Barton, as cited in
Margenau and Varghese 1997, 145).
Henry, and Roy A. Varghese, eds. 1997. Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists
Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life, and Homo
sapiens. 4th ed. Chicago and La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing
19. CHRISTIAN ANFINSEN, Nobel Laureate
in Chemistry:
To the question, “Many prominent scientists - including Darwin, Einstein,
and Planck - have considered the concept of God very seriously. What are
your thoughts on the concept of God and on the existence of God?” Christian
Anfinsen replied:
“I think
only an idiot can be an atheist. We must admit that there exists an
incomprehensible power or force with limitless foresight and knowledge that
started the whole universe going in the first place.” (Anfinsen, as cited in
Margenau and Varghese, Cosmos, Bios, Theos, 1997, 139).
Henry, and Roy A. Varghese, eds. 1997. Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists
Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life, and Homo
sapiens. 4th ed. Chicago and La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing
20. WALTER KOHN, Nobel Laureate in
In the interview, entitled “Dr. Walter Kohn: Science, Religion, and the
Human Experience” (July 26, 2001), Dr. Kohn stated:
“I am
Jewish and have a strong identification with Judaism.
I would say
I see myself as religious simultaneously in two ways. One is that I have
found that religion, specifically the Jewish religion, has very much
enriched my own life and is something that I have conveyed to my children
and feel their lives also have been enriched by.
Secondly, I
am very much of a scientist, and so I naturally have thought about religion
also through the eyes of a scientist. When I do that, I see religion not
denominationally, but in a more, let us say, deistic sense. I have been
influenced in my thinking by the writings of Einstein who has made remarks
to the effect that when he contemplated the world he sensed an underlying
Force much greater than any human force. I feel very much the same. There is
a sense of awe, a sense of reverence, and a sense of great mystery.” (Kohn
On May 23, 2002, Professor Kohn wrote a letter to the compiler T. Dimitrov.
To the question, “What do you think should be the relationship between
science and religion?” Walter Kohn replied: “Mutual respect. They are
complementary important parts of the human experience.” (Kohn 2002).
And to the
inquiry, “What do you think about the existence of God?” Walter Kohn gave
the following answer: “There are essential parts of the human experience
about which science intrinsically has nothing to say. I associate them with
an entity which I call God.” (Kohn 2002).
Walter. 2001a. “Dr. Walter Kohn: Science, Religion, and the Human
Experience.” An interview in The Santa Barbara Independent. (July 26,
2001). Dr. Kohn was interviewed by John F. Luca. Santa Barbara, CA.
Walter. 2002. A letter to the compiler T. Dimitrov. May 23.