The four Gospels abound in evidence that Christ had
great miraculous powers such as had never been seen before. Christ’s first
“recorded” miracle was the result of His mother’s request to create some
wine for distraught hosts. In the Gospels we find the description of many
more astonishing miracles, such as he healing of the leper (Matt. 8:1-4),
of the centurion’s servant (Matt. 8:5), Peter’s wife’s mother (Matt.
8:14), a palsied man (Matt. 9:1), the raising of Jairus daughter (Matt.
9:23), the two blind men (Matt. 9:27), a man with a withered hand (Matt.
12:10), the epileptic boy Matt. 17:14), and several more including the
raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38).
But what if God had not given Christ such mighty miraculous powers? What
if God had simply allowed Christ to come and die for us, as prophesied in
the Scriptures, without ever performing great miracles?
Christ’s identity as Messiah had to be undeniably proven. Just as doing
great miracles alone would not have sufficed, prophecies alone would not
have been sufficient either. During Christ’s earthly ministry, there was a
need to quickly and dramatically attract the attention of the people so
that they would listen to and consider His message. The relationship
between Christ and the messianic scriptures would have been established
later on. In the immediate, God’s power in Christ had to be manifested
with undeniable works. Christ was not just another self-proclaimed
Messiah; He was the Savior sent by God, and great miracles would testify
to it.
This theme becomes evident from the beginning of Christ’s ministry when
John, “heard about the works of Christ,” and sent two of his disciples to
confirm what Christ’s miracles implied: “Are you the coming one or do we
look for another?”(Matt.11: 2-3). The evidence Christ offered was
undeniable: “The blind receive their sight and the lame walk; the lepers
are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have
the gospel preached unto them” (Matt. 11: 5).
As the word
spread, “multitudes…followed him on foot from the cities” (Matt. 14: 13).
Great numbers of physically and mentally afflicted people thronged Him,
and Christ healed them (V. 14). As the numbers grew, Christ had a perfect
opportunity to preach the gospel to them and, indirectly, to the many who
would have heard about Christ’s message when the crowds went home.
As time
progressed, the approach produced great results to the point that the
crowds became multitudes and finally “great multitudes came to Him
having with them those who were lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many
others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them. So the
multitudes marveled when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed made
whole, the lame walking, the blind seeing; and the glorified the God of
Israel” (Matt. 15: 30-31).
The apex of God’s involvement with Christ is, of course, His resurrection
from the dead. After Christ paid for the sins of humanity, God was now
ready to show to all the ultimate evidence that Christ was His beloved Son
and Messiah. Thus, a badly mangled body, emptied of blood that had been
dead for three days and three nights is brought back to life miraculously.
To make sure that there would have been no doubt as to the event, Christ
appeared to His disciples (Matt. 28), and then to over five hundred
brethren, (I Cor. 15:6). From the beginning of Christ’s ministry to the
end, God bore “witness both with signs and wonders with various
miracles” (Hebrews 2: 4). Christ was, without doubt, the promised Messiah,
as the scriptures attested to and as great miracles proved beyond any
There was a critical need, therefore, that the coming of
Christ be framed by power and great glory---and so it was. Had God
not accompanied Christ’s redeeming work on earth with great wonders, the
Gospel message would not have received the enormous attention that it
received, and Christ would not have become the focus of the nation of
Israel. God gave Christ the stamp of approval in every necessary way so as
to make His credentials undeniable. For those who have ears to hear and
eyes to see, Christ was indeed the mighty Son of God and your and my
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Jesus Christ: The Real