Does God Exist?

God's Nature

Who Was Jesus?

 Is the Bible God's Word?

 Who Killed Jesus  Christ?

The Ten Commandments

What Does God  Want   From  You?



HELPFUL SITES                                Web sites on God's Existence

Books on God's Existence

Free Bibles

Free Bible Helps

Is Evolution True?

The Real Jesus

Evidence for the Bible

Is There Really a Devil?

Middle East in Prophecy

Are We Living in the End Time?  






(Skip Introduction, go to Quotations

    This work finds its roots in a question which emerged in my mind many years ago, and for which I sought an answer. The question was: “Did  great intellect lead brilliant men and women of the past  to agnosticism or atheism, or did it  lead  them to believe in and submit to a Creator God?” 

     The search has been slow but very rewarding and enlightening. Unlike what some  might assume, most of the greatest men and women of the past were neither agnostics nor atheists. Most of them believed in God, and many made God the foundation to their lives. Surprisingly, belief in God was not always the result of intricate and time-consuming intellectual exercises, but it was, in many cases, the result of an intuitive experience. In fact, one can perceive in the writings of many great people a taking for granted of God’s existence and a moving forward toward understanding His Great Mind.

      To the great existential philosopher, Kierkegaard, trying to prove God’s existence was “of all things most ridiculous” (Kierkegaard, 1970, 93). Yet He believed in God. Kierkegaard believed that “the works of God are such that only God can perform them " (Auden, 1966, 143). Isaac Newton, centuries ago, saw God’s presence and grandeur in nature. He held that humans may “come the knowledge of the Deity . . . by the frame of nature” (Christiansen, 1984, 257). Rousseau  saw God in “ the blackboard of nature” wherein he saw “harmony and proportion” (Burgelin, 1973, 414). Ralph Waldo Emerson saw in creation “a shadow of Him” (Emerson, 1900, 74).

      Some great minds chose to block out any interest in God but did not succeed for ever. Heinrich Heine discovered God at a late age. “In theology I must accuse myself of retrogression since I returned to the old superstition - a personal God” (Pinney, 1963, 242-243). The great impressionist painter, Cezanne, stated that “once we have attained a great age we find no other support or consolation than in Religion” (Rewald, 1950, 101). The English poet, Robert Browning, temporarily chose to follow Shelley’s example and adopted atheism. Later,  he too returned to the belief in God and considered the existence of God “as certain beyond the need of proof” (Britannica,  1974, 336).

     Belief in God has been an ennobling, energizing  and inspiring experience for many great men and women of genius. The great French painter, Eugene Delacroix, believed that “God’s inner presence, beyond a doubt, constitutes the inspiration of men of genius” (Pack, 1972, 697). The great composer, Liszt,  was convinced that “the Word of God reveals itself in the creations of genius” (La Mara, 1968, 544). Michelangelo saw God as the source of his vigor and great achievements:There is not a thing on earth so low and base, as without  you I am and feel myself” (Creighton,  1980, 161). The great Russian novelist, Tolstoy, believed  that “life is life, only when it is the carrying out of God’s purpose” (Crowell, 1927, 308). Bach concluded most of his works with a brief, “Soli Deo Gloria,” (To God alone be the glory) (Leaver, 1985, 29). This century, the scientific giant, Albert Einstein,  stated that the driving force behind his scientific search was “to know how God created this world . . . I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details” (Clarck, 1971, 18-19).

      What is also surprising is the number of great minds who adopted Christ as their Lord and Savior, and who lived very devout Christian lives. Bach was a zealous Lutheran (Leaver, 1985, 13). Beethoven “ended his life as a true Christian” (Kalischer, 1926, 391). Goethe, toward the end of his life, affirmed that his love for “the founder of Christianity” could not be taken from him. (Goethe, 1882, 208). Hegel firmly believed that “the Son takes the sin of the world upon Himself” Kepler rested on Christ’s promise that Christians have awaiting them “faithful mansions in the house of the Father” (Beer, 1975, 356). Rembrandt was most probably a Mennonite (Rosemberg, 1964, 181). Tolstoy was beyond any doubt a sincere and a practicing Christian (Tolstoy, 1899). Dante based his faith in Christ and the witness of the Gospels (Dante, 1989, 125-135). To Schubert his Savior was “the glorious Christ” (Schubert, 1970, 115). Shakespeare ended his life affirming his faith in the saving power of Jesus Christ (Rowe, 1985, 182). Finally, the 20th   century’s greatest philosopher, Wittgenstein, expressed  his faith in Christ as leading to salvation (Wittgenstein, 1979, 4-5).

     Some might wrongly suggest that the luminaries quoted in this work are  not from our “scientifically enlightened” times, and that belief in God would not be found in great minds of 20th century. This assertion would be totally unfounded. The 20th century had many great minds who believed. The scientific genius Einstein; the philosophical giants, Wittgenstein, Bergson, De Chardin and Weil; the musical giants, Stravinsky, Rossini, Sibelius and Mascagni; the famed artist, Renoir; the great literary geniuses, T. S. Eliot,  Shaw,  D. H. Lawrence, Pirandello, Deledda, Rilke and  Solzhenitsyn, are just some of the brilliant minds that lived in the 20th century  who held a firm belief in God.

     In spite of a host of witnesses who shout otherwise, some leading atheists have confidently asserted that intelligent “enlightened minds” would  never believe in a Creator. Their dogmatism  may have intimidated and convinced some that this is indeed the case. This work is meant to give believers facts that tear down such assertions. As Bacon wrote centuries ago, “It is little philosophy that inclines man’s mind to Atheism; but depth in philosophy brings about man’s mind to religion” (Bacon, 1876, 64). Also, the apostle Paul asserted with divine authority in Romans 1: 19-20, “That which  may be known of God is manifest in them; for God  has showed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that  they are without excuse.”  Therefore, the few who have rejected God will have no excuse before the Great Judge. No sound human reasoning can conclude that God does not exist. As most  brilliant people of the past have concluded, it is the most evident of truths.

      The great people included in this work, the reader will agree, are most of the great luminaries that have shaped our civilization. Some are missing, either because material was not found or because they were either agnostics or atheists. This work will grow and more  material will be added in the future.

     The author has purposefully chosen to share his findings in quotation format rather than a long dissertation, because he wants the facts to speak for themselves without any interference from his own interpretations. He has also chosen this approach to make available what he found to be missing: an extensive and well-documented collection of quotations on the most important subject there is. Lastly, the author wants this work to be a gathering of eminent voices that lifts its praise to the greatest mind of all: the author of all great minds and of all brilliance; the One to whom all of them owe their great intellect.

        The hope of the author is that this work will help many to see that throughout the ages brilliant minds have sought and found their Creator, and that belief in God has been for them an energizing, ennobling experience. Unlike what some atheists propagate, belief in God has not undermined the potential of humanity. On the contrary, it has been a fundamental and motivating factor behind many of humanity’s greatest achievements.




© Michael Caputo, 1997